Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and Ross Cornwell : Book Summary

 In the pursuit of riches, most people fall by the wayside. What the reason? because they haven't developed the right mindset to reach their goals. Napoleon Hills has the answer to all of your life's success problems. He said that, You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct, and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.

Want to achieve more? change your mindset.

Your  power dwells deep within you. far too many people create an idea, believe it's going to work, and then they hit a roadblock an make people give up. If this something you did in the past, don't feel downcast; you are among the majority. What matters is that you change the way yo do things from this point onwards.

Develop a strong belief in your idea. When things become tough, don't stop, don't give up

You  need to develop the mental tools and determination to avoid giving up when the going gets tough. It is all within you mind!

Success comes to those who become success conscious. Failure comes to those who allow themselves to become failure conscious-Napoleon Hill


Unwavering desire is a crucial step to success 

 The first step forward developing the right mindset is to achieve the desire, not just any old willingness, but a desire which is solid an unwavering, no matter what comes your way. In the past, you probably gave up when things got a little tricky, but how do you know you weren't almost there?

When you harness the power of steadfast desire, you can overcome any obstacle that comes your way

How you develop an unwavering desire? You can control it with your thoughts. Tell your self what you want , most specific, the better, and create a definite plan to get it. Write it down and read it aloud two times everyday. Within a short amount of time, your desire will grow to levels that can't be beaten down with small roadblock. 


Faith can't be seen but it is a powerful part of our lives

Many people as we know struggle with faith. this is probably because you can't actually see faith. There is nothing visible or tangible, it is just a feeling and a sense of comfort. However, faith can be controlled and created by something people called autosuggestion. This is means that you can make a powerful sense of faith by telling yourself what you want to believe.

Create a plan and work by using visualization and affirmations diligently. Faith and desire will help us to work through any any potential issues you encounter. As we know, People who has experience contact with particular criminal activity will hate it first., but when they are around it for extended time, they grow to used it. If that person is around crime for a long enough time, they will become influenced by it all. All of this is down repetition seeping into the subconscious mind. You are effectively training your mind.

Give yourself demands, tell yourself that you're going to be confident in your idea, and you're not going to stop when things get tough.

This is your verbal manifesto, a promise to yourself of what you're going to do to get to where you need to be. In addition to this unwritten manifesto, you should visualize already achieving what you want; how does it feel? How does it look? All of this will help to influence your Subconscious and therefore develop that invisible faith. 


Dont Generalize; make your knowledge specialized to be one step ahead of the game 

 People falsely think that knowledge is a power, sometimes brain with all manner of random pieces of information is useless in your life. Indeed, it is better to aim towards specializing your knowledge, focusing on the areas that will come in useful and which are going to inform your future actions and plans. There are two kind types of knowledge, and both are powerful; one is general, and one is specialized. Specialized knowledge will help us take giant leaps forward in your particular niche.

Read into your particular area of interest and learn more. Ask questions and seek answer. the more specialized you can be, the more you will succeed.

Knowledge itself doesn't bring you riches, it simply influence your plan, and therefore your actions. Henry ford underline out this idea very clearly. He was asked about his general knowledge or lack thereof. Henry questioned why he would bother cluttering up his brain with general knowledge when he had people around that could tell him whatever he needed to know. He made sure that his knowledge was specialized in his niche and made firm decisions based upon it.


If you can imagine anything, you can achieve it, because all of it is in your mind.

Our parents always told to imagine and dream in our childhood . But when we get a little older , we stop doing it. I f you want to achieve your dreams in your adulthood, you need continue imagining but focus on it a little more sharply.

Imagination isn’t useless when you reach adolescence; you simply need to ensure that you focus your creative skills on areas that make sense to your goals.

Your imagination is where you come up with ideas and make your plans. There is a saying that you can create anything which the human mind can picture or imagine. This is show you that when you think about giant leaps forward we’ve made in technology; who would have dreamed the we would be able to speak to people on the other side of the world simply by using a computer ? or sending people into outer space? These were all ideas created in someone’s imagination.

There are two types of imagination. First, Synthetic imagination; that allows you to reaffirm existing knowledge and second, creative imagination that allows you to dream up new ideas and plans. It’s essential to use the right one. Synthetic imagination simply about rehashing the things you already know. On the other hand, creative imagination is potent, and it is where the brain communicates with something called infinite intelligence.

Infinite intelligence allows you to focus on your end plan, taking you where you want to go. Through this, you experience those hunches or flashes of ideas that don’t seem to have much sense or reason. If you put those ideas and hunches into a plan, this plan needs to be definite and organized. The more solid and organized you are, the more likely your goal is to succeed.

However you can’t do this alone, you need to create a team of people with whom you can bounce ideas off, gain advice, a get a new perspective. Napoleon calls these your mastermind alliance. Choose people carefully while ensuring harmony and fairness among-st all of you, meeting up regularly to move forward with your plan.

Wow fact, Thomas Edison failed around 10,000 times before he came up with the famous light bulb invention.


Be a leader and make firm plan in order to move forward

When you begin to turn your ideas and hunches into a plan, this plan needs to be definite and organized. The more solid and organized you are, the more likely your goal is to succeed.

Every adversity, every failure, every heartbreak, carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit. - Napoleon

The point is that you should expect to fail a few times because it is simply a part of life. Even the most organized plan will hit roadblocks, but you merely rebuilt it and try once more. Your mastermind alliance will help you with this. Of course, you need to be a leader among-st your alliance and develop the right leadership skills. These include ;

  • total encourage

  • the ability to control, yourself and your actions

  • a sense of justice

  • keen decision-making skills

  • the ability to make definite plans

  • always going above and beyond

  • a pleasant, easy-going, and

  • understanding personality

  • responsible, someone who will accept responsibility when required

  • being able to cooperate and work well with others

    A high- quality leader doesn’t pretend to know it all; they appreciate that further learning and development is always needed.

Do a self analysis of your leadership skills, and don’t be afraid to ask yourself hard questions. By becoming a firm leader, you will make robust plans that can weather storms, perhaps through a bit of rebuilding along the way. If things fall by the wayside once, simply pick yourself up and carry on.


Avoid Procrastination to make progress in whatever you're trying to achieve

The most successful people on the earth can make quick a firm decisions without allowing procrastination to affect their choices. Henry Ford was renowned for his ability to make fast decisions, but f changes needed to be made, he was slow to check every avenue forehand. this is true of some of the most successful people who have ever walked on this planet.

Make sure and fast decisions, but re evaluate slowly

Caring too much about what other people think or listening to opinions is simply going to slow you down. If you care too much about other people's views, you're not going to be able to create that desire or faith because you're too concerned about others. It would help if you only cared about your thoughts and the views of those within your Mastermind Alliance. For this reason, be very selective with whom you let into your group, friends and family might mean well, but rarely works.

Focus on the opinions of those who matter and avoid listening to what everyone thinks all the time

Being definite  and firm in your decisions, however, takes a lot of courage in many cases. You already know about possible roadblocks and the importance of not giving up. This is called Persistence. It can be described as willpower, but when you add this to desire, it's combination that little can get in the way of success.

Persistence might mean you have to move slowly, baby steps even, but if you're moving, it's progress.



You can harness your sexual tension to create the ultimate power

Sexual tension is a potent emotion, but you can use that tension to your benefit in your effort toward creating monetary rewards. There are 3 main reasons for sex;

1. To ensure the human race continues onwards
2. To ensure sound health, both physical and emotionally
3. To help transform regular ideas into genius ideas through transmutation. It is that third reason which can help you to create a potent force.

When you add romance and love into the mix, you're getting a very strong and powerful driver, which has been enough to ensure success in many cases throughout history.

Sexual tension is an extremely powerful thing, and when harnessed towards the things you're  trying to achieve, could be the difference between success and failure.

Research in the past has shown that those individuals who went on to achieve great things were often highly sexual, and they learned how to use sex transmutation to their benefit.


The power of the brain and the subconscious mind

The brain and the subconscious mind can affected by auto suggestion. Your subconscious mind, is very vulnerable to the thigs you tell yourself and repeat, so it makes senses to use this to your advantage.

Your subconscious mind never stops, it is working while you awake and sleeping. You can't control your subconscious 100%, but you can primarily, especially by using  emotions. Th subconscious mind is far more affected by emotions than the regular brain, which is more About logical thought and reason. If you feel emotions towards something, you're more likely to attempt to get it or fix it.

Having a plan keeps you on the track. Your emotions can rise at any time and knock you off track. Be as detailed as possible and know what you're aiming towards.  

There are 7 positive emotions; desire, faith, love, sex, enthusiasm, romance, and hope. The subconscious control an is often affected by your wavering emotions. Using this 7 positive motions, you can create a positive mindset. By kicking out the negative emotions such fear, jealousy, hatred, revenge, greed, anger and superstition, you can create a more positive subconscious mind, which will be far greater use. This is called the law of habit. this law allows you to become a more positive person by focusing on the 7 positive emotions.

Mastery of the law of success philosophy is the equivalent of an insurance policy against failure.

Giving in to fear is one of the primary reasons why people fail. The most common fears are; Poverty, criticism, ill health, loss of someone you love, ,old age and death. Fear isn't real, yet it is something that can quickly derail your plans. Indecision causes you to overthink, usually into a aspects of anxiety with no solid foundation.

To help protect yourself against fear and other negative factors, you need to  develop willpower and always use it to build up a wall. This wall will keep out negativity and help you focus on your mind and a positive mindset.

It is also important to surround yourself with positive and helpful people, not those who are negative. A negative person can easily transmit their negativity and doubt onto you without even trying. 


By becoming a stronger, more decisive person, you’ll change your mindset about success; that means you’re encouraging success to come your way. No more falling by the wayside when things start to become a little tricky. Instead, you’ll foster the single–minded route towards getting what you want and becoming someone that others will admire and look up to as a result. Isn’t that what everyone wants at the end of the day?

Remember, changing your mindset doesn’t happen overnight. This is a process you must dedicate time and effort to if you want it to work. You need to master each element entirely before moving onto the others. The whole process is a snowball effect, and as you master one section, it will lead strongly into the next. As you reach each goal, your confidence will grow quickly. All too often we fall foul of our own negativity. It’s easy to worry, panic even, and then start to overthink. 

This doesn’t help your attempts at success and hinders them instead. Focus on becoming a stronger, more single-minded person. Trust yourself and work with a concrete plan. This will build your confidence and help you to achieve your lifelong aims. Becoming a successful person isn’t down to luck. It’s down to hard work and perseverance. These are things that anyone can encourage into their lives, it simply takes awareness and the ability to understand when current tactics simply aren’t working. 

Take control of your emotions, create a plan, and start to move towards your goals in life. 
Try this 
• Use positive affirmations daily to build up your faith 
• Identify the people you want by your side throughout your journey, i.e., your Mastermind Alliance 
• Consider attending a meetup of like-minded people. This will help you overcome your fear of interacting with new people and build up connections
